Write for us

Excellent authors are always invited to join the Customer Lifestyle Blog team. Let us hear from you, whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just getting started! You can write for us and share your thoughts with our readers by doing so. We want authors who can amuse us while also educating and providing new perspectives to our audience. Our readers are eager to hear your perspectives on the issues you choose to discuss. Please read on to discover more about writing possibilities with us and send us your story pitch. You can also find us by typing “write for us lifestyle blog” on the Google search result page.

Do you want to write a guest article for Customer Lifestyle?

Using Customer Lifestyle to share your professional and personal knowledge is a terrific way to expand your audience. Writing for Customer Lifestyle is the ideal approach to get your story in front of more people. With your story, we will be able to assist our readers in achieving their lifestyle objectives. Customer Lifestyle provides the most up-to-date information about fashion, travel, home décor, cuisine, and business. Our blog welcomes contributions from anybody as long as they are connected to lifestyle topics. Please fill out and submit the form below if you’d like to be a guest blogger at Customer Lifestyle.

What Kinds of Guest Post Topics Do We Allow?

We are quite picky about the types of entries we allow for guest blogs at Customer Lifestyle. We want to publish the greatest articles on the web, so only the best author contributions will be accepted. The lifestyle niche (a surprisingly big niche) is where we write the majority of our articles, but we also cover travel, home decor, food, fashion, business, and a variety of other topics that fall into that category. While we do not publish every piece that comes our way, we do accept submissions in practically all of the above-mentioned areas. Before you start writing, look through our archives to see if any of the topics interest you. It would be wonderful to hear from you.

How to Write a Guest Post on a Customer’s Lifestyle?

The Customer Lifestyle Daily website provides visitors with information, help, and ideas on several issues. This website’s objective is to supply readers all around the world with the most important, useful, and trustworthy information available. We’ve developed a list of the characteristics that define great content. Consider the following while writing:

  • Speaking in the first or second person helps to maintain the comfortable tone of the essay. Write the guest post as though it were a personal journal entry.
  • While it is acceptable to back up your views with facts and numbers, you are advised to keep your writing concise. Organize your paragraphs using headers to make them easier to read.
  • Our primary purpose is to educate and entertain our readers, and we want our authors to do the same. Your content should be interesting and informative.
  • By including your own experiences and viewpoints, you will demonstrate that you are an expert on the subject. However, it is critical to back up your statements with statistical analysis.
  • You must demonstrate how your experience may help them. Our readers must know what to expect at the start and what they have learned by the end. Be brief and direct in your explanations.
  • For advice on how to organise and structure your post, please see our style guide and recent articles. Our editorial staff will review your contributions to see whether they are appropriate for publishing. Your contribution will be examined, and if it meets our requirements, you will be contacted as soon as possible.


Guidelines for Guest Bloggers

  • All guest posts must be unique and previously unpublished.
  • All guest pieces must be informative, interesting, and relevant to the readership of the Customer Lifestyle website.
  • Guest contributions on general or industry issues should provide clear advice, takeaways, and how-to suggestions.
  • Please only submit stories on fashion, lifestyle, business, food, travel, home decor, and health.
  • No self-promotional or business links may be used in guest postings.
  • Every guest blogger is allowed to write a 2-3 sentence author bio. There may be 1-2 links to the author’s website, blog, or other branded internet location.
  • The length of the blog should be between 1500 and 2000 words.